Countries visited on route from
Australia to Hawaii
June 2009 to August 2009
American Samoa-Christmas Island

My favorite beer

It's always exciting to return to familiar place and products that we enjoy and can't find anywhere on the Islands. We enjoyed returning to the Pago Pago Yacht Club although it was not as active as last time we were here. Not many boats in the harbor this time of year.

Kip & Paul's new atire
We had a wonderful time in American Samoa, we found it very improved with new paved roads and sidewalks. The bay was cleaner than 2007 and we sighted a turtle. We're always apprehensive to leave and head out on another very long crossing. The crossing to Christmas Island was definitely tougher than we hoped, and it was very hot. As you see Paul is trying to hold on while putting foil in the front windows to help keep the heat out. What a thrill to get to land after nine days at sea even if there wasn't much on Christmas Island.

Hold on

Fishing boats

Clearing into the country was a real farce, no one seemed to know what was going on. There are large fishing boats with refrigeration that collect fish from smaller boats. The fisherman enjoyed their gifts.

Kips gives fisherman gifts

Our short stay at Christmas Island was well deserved and Adelia got some TLC. We were very happy to leave Christmas Island. It is very remote and not very welcoming. Our first few days at sea were great with good wind direction and flat seas. Adelia made good speeds, too bad it didn't last all the way to Hawaii. We enjoyed a glass of Sprite and celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. Where has the time gone?

15th wedding aniversay

Small Island

After spending three years sailing the South Pacific Islands it was wonderful to get Adelia back to USA. It's always overwhelming when we arrive to a big city after leaving the small islands.
It's great to be back.

Arriving Honolulu

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